About Project

Distributed Artificial intelligence protocol implementation base on libp2p. Peer(s) share CPU and GPU resources with each other and makes Distributed Neural Network (DNN).

Project is written using Go programming language.

Go Reference

Supported platforms


Mac OS Intel (64-bit) version


Download MacOS application for Intel (x64) v0.0.17

Linux (64-bit) version (tested with KDE desktop environment only)


Download Linux application (x64) Debian package v0.0.17

Installation steps for Debian-based Linux distro:

  1. Download package
wget https://aip2p.app/downloads/aip2p-0.0.17_amd64.deb
  1. Install package:
sudo dpkg -i aip2p-0.0.17_amd64.deb

Download Linux application (x64) tar v0.0.17

Installation steps for other (etc. Red Hat) Linux distributions:

  1. Download package
wget https://aip2p.app/downloads/aip2p-0.0.17_amd64.tar.xz
  1. Extract tar archive with command:
mkdir aip2p && tar -C ./aip2p -xf aip2p-0.0.17_amd64.tar.xz
  1. Install application with command:
cd aip2p && sudo make install && cd .. && rm -rf ./aip2p && rm aip2p-0.0.17_amd64.tar.xz

Notice: this command also removes installation files which are no longer required.

Windows (64-bit) version


Download Windows setup (x64) v0.0.17

Install from source code (for advanced users)

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Download Go from the download page and follow instructions
  3. Install fyne package:
go install fyne.io/fyne/v2/cmd/fyne@latest
  1. Install AIP2P application to your computer with command:
fyne install